100 most influential photos

Falling man taken by Richard Drew on September 11, 2001, tells a story about a man who jumped out of a building that was soon going to collapse because a plan that was hijacked crashed into it the photo perfectly shows him going straight down in the air going to hit the floor.


Emmett Till shot by David Jackson tells the story of how Emmett till was murdered for potentially “flirting” with a woman at a local mini market leading for her husband and his brother to beat the kid to death they threw his body in the lake his mother then went to identify his body and wanted him to have an open casket for people to witness what they did to her son. 


Michael Jordan shot by Co Rentmeester shows the iconic Michael Jordan dunking and which they were able to get the logo for the Jordan brand.



Travel poster

I would want to go here because Brazil has such a beautiful culture and

many special places to visit where I know I would experience a great time.

White Balance

A lot of photographers talk about white balance. To capture a scene from the human eye perspective, then white balance should be on your radar. Mastering white balance will make your images more natural. White balance refers to the process of removing or neutralizing color casts in your images because at its core. Adding more warm color will balance out the image.

Lightroom edited

differences between Photoshop and lightroom are that lightroom is more for basic editing and photoshop is to edit images and to help make one believe where they are. Similarities are that they both have tools such as cropping and healing tool.


Tips to take good portrait photos is to find natural lighting, shoot from different angles,

have your person do different facial expressions. Also, different poses help to get to see

the personality of the person through the photo.


elegant, freckles, good nose, slick hair. pretty eyes,

Depth of field

Depth of field is a picture that appears sharp and in focus.

AV, f/16, 1/125 sec, ISO100, 18mm

AV, f/5.6, 1/500sec. ISO100, 55mm











I think they shutter speed is set 1/180 to take these shallow pictures to focus on the subject

All about me collage


I feel that all my Images in my collage represent me as a person for example music is something I listen to on a daily basis it motivates me to do better and calms me because I feel I can sometimes relate to the artists lyrics. In the future i would like to travel to Brazil I love cows and horses but i hope to own my own rancho when im older and own a hellcat or truck. Teddys bear heal my inner child and i just love them.